Search & Discovery
Search & Discovery
GridBank Enterprise natively provides enterprise information archiving and full text content indexing, enabling enterprise search and e-discovery for on-demand data access.
- Index property, full text content & arbitrary key:value pair metadata for comprehensive enterprise search
- Consolidate disparate datasets for e-Discovery, data classification & on demand access to information
- Map Reduce search enables on-demand access to information for improved operational efficiencies

Granular Legal Hold

Granular Legal Hold
GridBank Enterprise offers comprehensive and policy-driven legal hold functionality which can be applied to individual search-based datasets, protecting legally responsive matter.
- Distributed repository of consolidated data pools, files, emails & objects for accelerated e-Discovery
- Legal hold for litigation proceedings applied to datasets of results of e-Discovery queries in a single click
- Reduce business risk with legally defensible retention & disposal policies with centralized management
Leverage analytics
Leverage analytics
GridBank Enterprise enables organizations to leverage analytics through integration with big data analytics tools, to tap into the full value from their vast data repositories.
- Hadoop & other big data analytics tools drive insights for business agility & competitive advantage
- Full content metadata to embed intelligence into storage infrastructure for data-in-place analytics
- Analyze data in real time, without migration between online & analytics pools for faster time to insight