Demos and Briefings

Get a better understanding of Tarmin and the comprehensive functionality delivered by GridBank along with the extensive benefits offered by Data Defined Storage by viewing one of the demos, presentations and chalk talks included below

Tarmin honored as a recipient of the World Finance 100 at the London Stock Exchange. The World Finance 100 annual recognizes distinguished organizations who have displayed growth potential, new market categorization, and new production innovation and quality

Tarmin Inducted into World Finance 100 at London Stock Exchange


Tarmin president and CEO, Shahbaz Ali has been inducted into the 2013 World Finance 100 for pioneering innovation with Data Defined Storage, a new market category that is changing the way organizations manage unstructured data. Watch the full video to discover:

  • Tarmin’s unique data centric approach
  • How Data Defined Storage architecture differs from other approaches
  • The benefits of this data centric innovation, which is indorsed by leading storage industry experts