Storage Optimization

GridBank delivers storage optimization by constraining data growth through deduplication and compression, while centrally managing and consolidating data stores, eliminating duplicates, removing silos, reducing storage total cost of ownership and enhancing business agility

Scale Out Building Blocks

Scale Out Building Blocks

GridBank provides a dynamic petabyte level converged scale out environment, enabling organizations to address the challenges of growing data volumes by dynamically adding resources.

  • Scalable grid-based architecture to store & manage data at multi-petabyte levels
  • Scales linearly by adding additional resources for building block approach with no fork lift upgrades
  • Interchangeable nodes deliver random access parallel IO processing, enhancing grid performance
Scale Out

Distributed Deduplication


Distributed Deduplication

GridBank automatically applies distributed object deduplication and compression to data storage volumes, limiting the growth of redundant copies.

  • Limit growth of unstructured data volumes through storage reduction technologies
  • Shrink data volumes by around 40-60% through distributed deduplication & compression across the entire grid
  • Reduce TCO by up to 80% by reducing enterprise data volumes & reducing management overheads

Cloud Storage & Tiering

Cloud Storage & Tiering

GridBank provides policy-driven information governance of enterprise data enabling tiering & seamless migration to the cloud.

  • Data management based on property, custom or full text index content for data centric approach
  • Expand data pools across to third party cloud providers with integrated cloud gateway
  • Perform tiering based on the media, type, location & value of data for efficient data optimization
Cloud Storage